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ATOMIC Redster S9 by Jose Luis Pimentel

Дата 22/09/2021

ATOMIC Redster S9 by Jose Luis Pimentel

Дата 22/09/2021

The Redster S9 is a very powerful ski at all levels. It is capable of increasing the energy in the planes while providing stability in the walls. Its versatility when attacking the curves on a track means that the skier can feel a feedback of energy that translates into greater speed. For this reason, I would say that this ski provides everything that is expected of this ski: performance. I think they are some of the most complete skis I´ve ever worn.



Behavior and conclusions

This is one of the skis that I like the most. It is very complete and its efficiency and behavior both in the wall areas and in the planes make you always want more. The responsiveness of this model is what surprised me the most the first time I tried them. I think it is in the hands of each one to decide how far they want to go with it. And it is that, the Redster S9 allows you to start a wall with practically all the turns in Stivot and finish the curve as if the line of the curve had been uniform from start to finish. Also, I love its aesthetics. When I look down I think... "I´m in a Ferrari!". For all those people who are always looking to go a little further technically, this is the perfect ski.

Skier profile to whom you would recommend skiing

This ski is suitable for a wide range of skier profiles. At medium levels, this ski provides performance and ease of progression to advance and level up quickly, thanks to its manageability. In addition, it is perfect for all those skiers who like to play with the short radius and changes of pace. This ski behaves very well at speed, so it gives a lot of play in this regard.